Bulk Bill Assignment Advice DB4 Report

The Bulk Bill Assignment Advice DB4 Advice displays details of a claim sent to the Medicare. This report is generated when invoicing and can be reproduced when viewing an invoice. When invoicing, the default number of copied to be printed is two (2). When viewing the invoice and printing this report, the default number of copies is one.

How the Bulk Bill Assignment Advice DB4 Report is defined?

The form is printed at the time of creating the invoice. The form must be signed by the patient and a copy kept by the practice for two years.

How to generate a Recalls Summary Report

After creating the invoice to be sent to the Medicare, a DB4 form is printed. This form can also be printed from the View Invoice window.

How to Interpret this Report

The upper section contains patient details and the lower section contains details of the attending Practitioner and the services performed.