Room/Location Management

The terms 'Room' and 'Location' are interchangeable, with both referring to the physical location at which a practitioner resides. There may be instances however where a single location has multiple rooms, and although this is uncommon, Bluechip provides for this scenario.

Rooms are defined by;

  • A room number.
  • The location at which the room can be found.
  • Whether or not the room is 'active'.

    Locations are defined by;

  • A name, and its abbreviation.
  • A Provider Number (a practitioner must record a different Provider Number against each location at which they practise)
  • An associated bank account
  • A Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) if required, for all diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology Practice sites.

    Each location can have a unique letterhead associated with it, and when an account is created in a patient's file, the practitioner and location are both specified. The linking of earnings figures with locations allows you to run separate financial reports for each location. Note also that Rooms/Locations are available to practitioners, but not locums or tenants.