Adding an Address Line

Before you begin

To add a third line to a patient's address:


  1. Enlarge the size of the cell. To do this, you need to move the insertion point (mouse pointer) so that it hovers over the line that you want to move. When the insertion point changes, hold down the left arrow on the mouse and move the line in the appropriate direction. In this case, you want to move the bottom line of the patient address field down enough to add another line of text (approx 3½ mm).
  2. Move the insertion point to the end of the second address line (that is [Pat_Addr2]) and hit the Enter key.
  3. Enter [Pat_Addr3].
  4. Highlight [Pat_Addr2] and then click on Format > Paragraph.
  5. Change Spacing After to 0 point. Click OK.
  6. Highlight [Pat_Addr3] and click on Format > Paragraph again.
  7. Change Spacing Before to 0 point. Click OK.
