Appendix 1: Transmit Conditions

The following table lists the conditions that determine whether an SMS message is sent.

Condition Value SMS Possible Where Configured
Patient Opt-out True No Patient's record
False Yes
Practitioner Opt-out True No Practitioner settings > Appointment tab
False Yes
Appointment Type Opt-out True No Practitioner settings > Appointment tab
False Yes
Day is Practice Holiday True No1 Practitioner settings > Holidays
False Yes
Day is Plan Absent Day True No* Practitioner settings > Holidays
False Yes
Do not send reminders on closed/absent days** True Yes SMS Reminders settings
False No

*SMS messages will still be sent if the "Do not send reminders on closed/absent days" option is not chosen.

**SMS messages will only be sent on closed/absent days if this option is selected.