Configuring Bluechip to Link with Clinical

Before you begin

After both programs have been installed, you will need to link Bluechip to Clinical. Perform the following steps on the server machine (or your stand-alone machine, as the case may be).


  1. On the server, in Bluechip, select Setup > Practice > Links > Medical Director. The Medical Director Setup window appears.

  2. Tick the Link Bluechip to Medical Director check box.
  3. Tick the Start MD when Bluechip Starts check box if you want Clinical to start when Bluechip Starts.
  4. Tick the Read MD TRANSFER.OUT Patient Updates check box to have Bluechip read MD Transfer.out patient updates.

    It is advised not to make patient demographic changes via Clinical, but rather via Bluechip. Changing patient demographics from Clinical will cause loss of Patient Phone Number and Email Address in Bluechip. This path is to be used for the transfer of MD Billing information from Clinical to Bluechip only.

    Point the Transfer.out location to the Bluedata directory. This path is the same as the path.

  5. Dump all patient details to Clinical allows you to dump all patient details to Clinical. You will only use this function if you have new installation of Clinical to get all the patients from Bluechip to Clinical.
