Creating and Deleting Service Items
Before you begin
Setup > Lists > Service Items
From the Bluechip main window, select . The Service Item Lists window appears.
- Select the Service Item List you want to add a new item to. If the Service Item List you would like to use does not exist, you can create it.
After selecting the Service Item List, click
to access the specific Service Items within it. The Service Items window appears.
- To select an item, simply click on it.
- To select a range of items within the list, click the first item, hold the Shift key, and then click the last item
- To delete service items, select the item(s), and then click Delete You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
- To create a new Service Item, continue now to Step 4.
Click New The New Service Item window appears.
- Enter a new Service Item number into the text box provided. Click OK. when you are ready to continue.
You are returned to the Service Items window, where your new Service Item now appears in the list on the left-hand side of the window. You can now modify the details of the Service Item. With the new Service Item selected,
- Enter the Standard Fee for the Service Item
- (Optional) Determine whether you want the Service Item to be affected by multiple scaling, using the associated check box.
- (Optional) Determine whether there will be a percentage added for Associated Charges, using the associated set of options and text box.
- (Optional) Determine whether you want to change the service item into a derived fee item.
- (Optional) Determine whether GST will be applied to this fee, and if so, whether the GST rate will be the default (10%), or a customised percentage. Note also you can then go on to apply the GST setting to all Service Items in the list, by clicking the associated button.
- (Optional) You can enable Quantity / Equipment ID items for non-Medicare batch types, via the Requires Equipment and check boxes. These check boxes are only available to non-Medicare batch types.
- Enter a description for the Service Item using the text box provided.
- To save the information you have changed for the new Service Item, either select another (so that the new Service Item loses focus), or close the Service Item List.