Finalising Receipting and Rejections for Inpatient Medical Claims

Once you have successfully submitted an Inpatient Medical Claim via ECLIPSE, details of the claim and its status appear in the Medicare Australia menu, which is available from within the Practice Explorer, as shown below.

  • The status of each claim is clearly indicated within this window. It is important to understand that a claim whose status is 'Ready to Receipt' may actually contain individual service items that have been rejected (explained below), but that overall the claim was accepted, whereas a claim whose status is 'Ready to Finalise (R)' has been completely rejected. See IMC Claim Process Status Messages for more information about the statuses available.
  • Claims that have been fully processed (finalised receipted or finalised rejected) are hidden by default, but can be revealed by ticking the associated check box at the top-left of the window.
  • Claims remain in a status of 'Processing' until you manually check for a status update by selecting the claim and clicking

    This action checks for status messages from both ECLIPSE (for transmission validation) and Medicare or the associated Health Fund (for Service Item validation). You can select multiple claims and check on their statuses simultaneously by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl key and clicking the left mouse button.
  • A transmitted, processed and finalised claim has a status of either 'Finalised (Receipted)' of 'Finalised (Rejected)' as shown in the example above. Upon refreshing the window (by clicking

    or re-opening the window), such claims will no longer be visible. Un-tick the Exclude Finalised Claims check box to reveal them.