Mail Merge and List Report Field Codes

Table 1. List report field codes
List Report Field Patient Doctor Parent Company
[FULLNAME] Title Given Surname Title Given Surname Title Given Surname Name
[LISTNAME] Surname, Given Surname, Given Surname, Given Name
[TITLE] Title Title Title N/A
[GIVEN] Given name Given name Given name N/A
[SURNAME Surname Surname Surname Name
[ADDRESS] Single line address Single line address Single line address Single line address
[ADDRESS1] Address line 1 Address line 1 Address line 1 Address line 1
[ADDRESS2] Address line 2 Address line 2 Address line 2 Address line 2
[ADDRESS3] Address line 3 Address line 3 Address line 3 Address line 3
[SUBURB] Suburb name Suburb name Suburb name Suburb name
[POSTCODE] Postcode Postcode Postcode Postcode
[STATE] State State State State
[PHONE] Phone number Phone number Phone number Phone number
[ALTPHONE] Alternate phone number Fax number Alternate phone number Fax number
[EMAIL] E-mail address E-mail address E-mail address E-mail address
[DOB] Date of birth N/A Date of birth N/A
[NUMBER] File number Provider number N/A Office file number
[COMMENT] Comment Comment Comment Comment
Table 2. Mail merge field codes
Field Application
[BR_LIST] ... [ER_LIST] Repeat fields, used to mark the beginning and end of the template
[B_LISTREC] ... [E_LISTREC] Record fields, used to mark the beginning and end of each section
[NEXTROW] Used to move to the next person/company, within a LISTREC section