Practitioner Screen Setup

Before you begin


  1. Select Setup > Practitioner > Practitioner Details, highlight the appropriate practitioner, and then select the Appointment tab. This tab is used for customising appointments per practitioner.

  2. Within the Appointment Slot Time field, record the shortest appointment duration the Practice has within its Appointment Book.
  3. Enter the number of Default Level of Appointment Priorities required. This determines the number of priority levels that can be chosen from the drop down list when scheduling an appointment.
  4. Tick the Do not send SMS option, if SMS is not required to be associated with the Appointment Book as an entirety. Note that a SMS opt-out option per Appointment Type is available.
  5. There are 12 Appointment > Types fields available to customise. Add or edit Type > Description, Abbreviation for the type and determining the Usual > Length of the appointment.
