Print Refund Audit Trail Reports

An audit trail listing of all refund transactions for a given period. This includes refund of 'credit payments' as well as refund of 'allocated payments'. Transaction types include refunds and refund reversals.

Before you begin


  1. Either
    • Click

    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. The Print Report window appears.

  3. Select Refund Audit Trail (Detail or Summary) Report from the list of reports and click Next The Print Refund Audit Trail > Report window appears. The criteria window for the selected report will appear.
    • In the following example the Refund Audit Trail Detail Report criteria is displayed. The other refund audit trail reports offer similar options.

  4. Enter a date range.
  5. Indicate other options as desired.
  6. Indicate which practitioners you want to print data for.
  7. Click Next when you are ready to proceed.
