Stage 2b: Template Configuration

Letterhead templates govern the letterhead that appears on invoices, receipts, estimates, statements and transaction listings (financial documents).

Before you begin

Bluechip billing is based on a per-practitioner Location or Room; there must be a separate letterhead template for each location for the practitioner. Create new letterhead templates for new practitioners for each location for billing.


  1. In Bluechip, select Setup > Templates > Letterheads. The Letterhead > Setup window appears, displaying all your current templates.

  2. Rather than creating a new template, it is recommended that you copy an existing letterhead template, and amend it with the new Practitioner's details. Select an existing template, and click

  3. The Edit Letterhead Template window appears. Modify the Template > Name and Default > Title to suit the new Practitioner's details. Select the new practitioner from the Practitioner drop-down menu. ClickOK

  4. To open the template either double-click it, or select it and click Edit
    • Ensure not to edit the [LH][ELH] fields, or the body of the document. You may, however, make other changes to the letterhead for the practitioner.

  5. Click

    and then Exit the template. Repeat this process for each different location.
