To proceed with registration:

Before you begin


  1. Contact MedicalDirector Customer Service and inform them that you want to update your registration so that you can run BC Reporter.
  2. Log into BC Secure and, on the Practice window, click on Update Registration.
  3. This will bring up the Update Registration window.
  4. The MedicalDirector Customer Service representative will confirm your MedicalDirector Customer No, Serial No and Practice Name, update your registration at MedicalDirector's end, and then give you a series of numbers (your key). Enter your key into this box, and then click on Verify.
  5. The background in this field should remain green, if all of your details are correct. If any of your details do not match HCNs records, or if you have entered the key incorrectly, the background will display red and you will need to check your details with the support person.
  6. Assuming that the background is green, click on Apply. A message will pop up, telling you that your registration has updated successfully. Click OK.
  7. At this point, you should check to make sure that you and any other appropriate users have permission to run BC Reporter. Click on Permissions in the menu on the left side of the BC Secure screen, and check that the box next to BC Reporter has been selected for the appropriate users (To view a user's permissions, click their name... their permissions will appear on the right. A tick indicates that a permission has been granted). Remember to apply any changes you may make to this screen.
  8. Close BC Secure and log back into Bluechip.

    Current Bluechip Reporter Reports
