Microsoft Products

Microsoft Office products are required for email, word processing, reporting and claiming.

Table 1. Microsoft Office compatibility
Microsoft Office Version Bluechip 1 Day Surgery2
2003 (32-bit)
2007 (32-bit)
2010 (32-bit)
2010 (64-bit)
2013 (32-bit)
2013 (64-bit)
2016 (32-bit)
2016 (64-bit)
365 (32-bit)
365 (64-bit)
1 Bluechip requires Microsoft Word 2003 or later for word processing and Microsoft Excel 2003 for the Bluechip Reporting Module.
2 Day Surgery requires a minimum of Microsoft Access 2003; Microsoft Office 2007 or later is required if Day Surgery is used with Bluechip for Eclipse In Hospital Claiming (IHC).