Adding a New Tenant

Before you begin


  1. On the BC Secure window, click

    The Tenant Licence Details window appears.

  2. Enter in the Tenant details (a Tenant is a non-billing entity like a Registered Nurse).
  3. Click OK.
    Edit With the tenant selected allows the name and logon initials to be changed.

    With a practitioner selected allows the name, logon initials, provider numbers and number of rooms to be added to or changed.

    Deactivating a practitioner will prevent any billing to occur on behalf of that practitioner, and remove their appointment book from the installation. In the practitioner screen, the deactivated practitioner will appear in italic. Clicking the Reactivate button and then clicking Apply will reinstate the practitioner.

    Deactivating a Tenant will remove their appointment book from the Bluechip installation.

    To reactivate a practitioner or tenant, please contact MedicalDirector Customer Service.

    With a practitioner or tenant selected, forces a password change at the BC Secure screen rather than from within Bluechip
