Bank Account Transfers Report

Lists either a full history of all bank transfers for a given date or all bank transfers required to balance bank accounts.

Before you begin

Print Options window: Generate the Bank Account Transfer report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following:
  • Indicate whether the report detail displays a bank account transfer history or outstanding required bank transfers.
    • The 'Show Transfer History' option also allows you to enter a date range.
    • The 'Show Outstanding Required Bank Transfer' option displays all outstanding transfers, regardless of date.

      Report layout for Outstanding Required Bank Transfers: This report lists all manual bank transfers, required for balancing bank accounts.

      Report layout for Transfers History: This report lists the full history of all bank transfers completed for a specified date range, for balancing the bank accounts.


  1. Either
    • Click

    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. In the Print Report window, select the Bank Account Transfers Report from the list of reports and click Next.

  3. In the Print > Bank Account Transfers Report window, via the Report Detail drop-down list, indicate whether you want to print data that shows the transfer history or outstanding required bank transfers. Note that the Entry Date Range options are only available if you have selected 'Show Transfer History' from the Report Detail drop-down list.

  4. Indicate the entry date range.
  5. Click Next when you are ready to proceed.
