Creating a Letter
Before you begin
Correspondence: Creating and Deferring Printing Creating Correspondence, and Deferring Printing Running Time: 01:21
Correspondence: Creating and Sending for Review Creating Correspondence, and Sending for Review Running Time: 01:40
Letters and Templates Letters and Templates Running Time: 24:10
- Ensure you have been granted permission to create a new letter. Permissions are managed via BC Secure.
- Open the patient record for whom you want to compose a letter.
In the Patient Explorer, select the Correspondence menu item. The Patient Documents window appears.
The New Document window appears.
- Select a template to base the letter on.
- Select an Associate Account if required. The Associated Account drop-down box contains the accounts associated with this patient's record. If no accounts have been created for this patient, the field is disabled. By selecting an account to associate the letter with, practitioners will find the letter more easily when they go to review letters before printing.
- The Document title field will automatically display a contraction of the template name. For example, Letter to Solicitor will display the patient's name and the template contraction Sol Let.
- If you want to defer the printing of a document, enable the Deferred Printing check box. Letters flagged in this way appear in the WP Deferred Printing menu of the Practice Explorer.
- Enable the Practitioner Review check box if you want to have the letter reviewed by the Associated Account Practitioner, before it is saved. The Practitioner Review check box is only available if you have chosen an Associated Account.
- Click OK. to commence your letter. Bluechip will open Microsoft Word for you and load your selected letterhead, ready for you to type your letter.
- Upon completing your letter, exit Microsoft Word. Your letter will be saved to Bluechip, and appear in the Correspondence list in the Patient Explorer with other letters for the patient.