Deactivating/Deleting Users, Locations and Bank Accounts

It is preferable to deactivate rather than delete, because:

  • Deactivation does not prevent you from accessing historical data; you can still run old financial reports, refer to an inactive appointment book, view inactive accounts and so on. On the other hand, if a practitioner (for example) has been deleted with a 'data drop' (see below), all trace of the deleted practitioner is removed from Bluechip.
  • You can deactivate practitioners or locations without assistance from MedicalDirector Customer Service staff. However, in order to completely delete a practitioner it is necessary for MedicalDirector to run a 'data drop' on your system. A fee may be charged for this service.
  • You can reactivate a practitioner, location, or bank account if circumstances change. However, once deleted, a practitioner, location or bank account can never be reinstated i.e. although they can be 'added' to Bluechip again, they will appear as new entities, without the historical information of their predecessors.

    A Note about Bank Accounts and Locations:

    Bank Accounts and Locations are intricately connected. As a general rule, you will not be able to deactivate a bank account without also deactivating the matching location, and vise versa. Furthermore, you will not be able to deactivate a bank account that is associated with an active practitioner or location.

    If you deactivate a practitioner or location that is linked to a shared bank account (i.e. shared with other practitioners or locations), then the bank account itself will remain active.

    You can edit a bank account if the account name or number has been entered incorrectly. However, this will necessitate a call to MedicalDirector Customer Service , as you will need an authorisation code to access the Bank Account Details window.