Defining Report Input Criteria

Before you begin

Click the Input tab heading, to view the input criteria.

The Input tab takes the form of two columns, headed Parameters and Value.

Parameters are fields, or associated fields, within Bluechip data tables that can be used to query or filter records within those tables, to produce the required outcome.

Values are information or criteria that users may key against each Parameter, to cause the system to query or select records that match those criteria.

To query (select/filter) a certain parameter, simply key your value against the parameter, so that BC Reporter will select records that match that value. Where a value is placed against more than one parameter, then BC Reporter will produce a more refined list, by selecting only records that match the combined values.

Where there is no requirement to filter or select certain records for a particular parameter, then the value should be left blank. BC Reporter will then select all records for that parameter.

Using our example of Cancelled Appointments, we can see that one of the available parameters is Practitioner. To select information for a particular Practitioner, we must enter a value against the parameter.


  1. Double-click in the Value column to enter a value against the Practitioner parameter. Note that some parameters display a drop-down box. This occurs whenever the parameter is related to a validated list of possible responses in Bluechip.
  2. For this example, select Dr Demo Caseg from the list. Note that leaving this parameter blank would have selected all Practitioners.
  3. To select all cancelled appointments for Dr Demo Caseg, since the 1st of January 1999 (until today), between 10:00am and 5:30pm, complete the following
    • Enter the From Date value, in dd/mm/yyyy format, as 01/01/1999.
    • Leave the To Date value blank
    • Enter the From Time value as 10:00
    • Enter the To Time value as 17:30 (24-hour clock method to automate am/pm)
