Medicare Australia DVA Claim Form

The DVA Claim Form D1217 displays details of a claim sent to the Medicare for DVA. This form shows a summary of the claim and replaces the stationery issued by the DVA.

Before you begin

The report is printed automatically when a DVA claim is submitted to the Medicare.

The upper section contains patient details and the lower section contains details of the attending Practitioner.


To produce the form manually:
  1. Select a single DVA claim from the claims list and either:
    • Click Print iconPrint
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. In the Print Report window, select Medicare Australia DVA Claim Form from the Medicare category in the list of available reports, and click Next.

  3. Click Next when you are ready to continue. You will be prompted to select print options for the report.
    You will have to choose the printer and tray the first time you print this report, on each computer. Thereafter Bluechip will remember your settings.
