Modifying the Labels Template

Before you begin

Setup > Template > Reports

You must modify the Labels Template, in order to print labels for a new class.


  1. Select Setup > Templates > Reports from the Bluechip Main menu. The Report Setup window appears.

  2. Select Labels and click Edit
  3. To increase the size of the label for easy reading, click View > Normal from the menu bar.
  4. Each class has two label fields, the first begins with [B_LabelClassName] and the second of which begins with [E_LabelClassName].

    The very first field in the entire template is [BR_Label] and the very last field is [ER_Label].

    These fields must remain at the beginning and end of the template. If you are going to add a new class to this template, the [ER_Label] field will need to be moved to the end of the new label.

  5. Scroll through the template and find the appropriate label.
  6. Select and copy both relevant fields.
  7. Paste the copied information at the end of the template.
  8. Modify the [B_LabelClassName] and [E_LabelClassName] fields to the new class name.
  9. Delete the [ER_Label] field from the label above and re-enter it after [E_LabelClassName].

  10. Save the template and close the window when you have completed the process.
