Printed Recall Reminders

Contact a patient based on a printed recall.

Before you begin


  1. From within either the patient's record or the Practice Explorer, select Recalls from the Margin Menu.
  2. Locate and select the recall that you want to action.
    • (Optional) Filter the list of recalls, by entering a date range of due recalls. A common scenario is to print all of the following month's recalls towards the middle or end of the current month.
    • (Optional) Enable the View Old check box to refresh the recalls list to include recalls that have previously been actioned.
  3. Click

    The Print Recall window appears.

  4. (Optional) Enter a comment if necessary.
  5. (Optional) Indicate that the patient has been contacted in relation to this recall by enabling the associated check box.
  6. Click OK when you are ready to print the recall. The Print Report window appears.
  7. Modify your print settings as necessary and print the recall. If in step 5 you marked the recall as contacted, the recall will now be removed from the patient's record.
