Recall Types
Before you begin
Setup > Practice > Recall Types
At the time you generate a Recall for a given patient, you must specify the type of recall, for example 'EC 2 Year', or 'WD 12 Month'. Rather than having to type in this information every time, you can record a range of Recall Types that you can select from later. The following information explains how to manage these Recall 'types'.
Select Recalls Setup window appears.
. The- To delete a Recall Type, select the Recall Type from the list on the left-hand side of the window, and then click Delete You will be prompted to confirm this action.
- To edit a Recall Type, select the Recall Type from the list on the left-hand side of the window. Make changes as necessary, and then click OK. to save your settings and close the Recalls Setup window.
- To add a Recall Type, continue now to Step 2.
The New Recall Type window appears.
Enter a name for your new Recall Type. Click OK. when you are ready to continue. You will be returned to the Recalls Setup window with your new Recall Type selected.
- Enter a Default Period in weeks into the associated text box. This can be modified if necessary, at the time you create a Recall.
- Select whether the recall will be generated as an SMS Reminder or printed, and if printed, select the Recall Template the letter will be based on.
- Click OK. to save you settings and close the Recalls Setup window.