Running the Restore Utility

Before you begin


  1. From within Bluechip, select BC Tools > Restore. You will be prompted to exit Bluechip.

  2. Click

    to confirm. Bluechip will close, and the Bluechip Restore utility appears.

  3. Click

    to locate and select the backup file you want to restore. You can verify that you have selected the correct backup via the Settings Summary section of the window.

  4. Click

    to begin restoring your Bluechip data.
  5. You will be alerted to the fact that the restore process may take some time, depending on the size of the Bluechip data you are restoring.

  6. Click

    You will be alerted to the fact that restoring this data will overwrite your existing data.

  7. Click

    to confirm. The restore commences, and you will notified when complete.

  8. Click

    to close the prompt.
  9. Click

    to close the restore utility.
