Search and Output Fields, Descriptions
Patients | |
Patient Demographics | |
Search Fields | Surname, Given name, min Age, max Age, Gender, From Date, To Date. Note that for patients who refer to themselves by a single name, simply type their name into the field. |
Output Fields | Suburb, State, Postcode, Count. |
Description | Patient count breakdown by suburb. The From and To Date are based on the First Visit field in Patient Details. If this field has not been used, the From and To Date Input options will not work. |
Patient List | |
Search Fields | Surname, Given name, min Age, max Age,Postcode Gender. |
Output Fields | Title, Surname, Given Name, DOB, Age, Phone, Address1, Address2, Suburb, State, Postcode, MedicareCardNo, MedicareRef, MedicareValid, VeteranCardNo, FileNo. |
Description | Allows you to list patients using the search criteria. |
Doctors | |
Doctor List | |
Search Fields | Surname, Given Name, Specialty, Suburb, State. |
Output Fields | Title, Surname, Given Name, ProviderNo, Phone, Address1, Address2, Suburb, State, Postcode. |
Description | Allows you to list practitioners using the search criteria. |
Parents | |
Parent List | |
Search Fields | Surname, Given name, Suburb, State. |
Output Fields | Title, Surname, Given Name, Address1, Address2, Suburb, State, Postcode, Phone, AltPhone, E-mail, MedicareCardNo, MedicareValid, MedicareRef, VeteranCardNo. |
Description | Allows you to list parents using the search criteria. |
Companies | |
Company List | |
Search Fields | Name, Suburb, State. |
Output Fields | Name, Phone, Address1, Address2, Suburb, State, Postcode. |
Description | Allows you to list companies using the search criteria. |
Accounts | |
Debt Collection Report (Acct Only) | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | PSName, PGName, DCName, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Total, PDate, ADate. |
Description | Allows you to list all debt collection payments in the period specified. |
Debt Collection Report (DC Only) | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | PSName, PGName, DCName, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Total, PDate, ADate |
Description | Allows you to list all debt collection payments in the period specified. |
Debt Collection Report (DC + Acct) | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date |
Output Fields | PSName, PGName, DCName, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Total, PDate, ADate. |
Description | Allows you to list all debt collection payments in the period specified. |
Locum Specified Service Items by Date | |
Search Fields | Locum, Practitioner, From Date, To Date. |
Output Fields | Locum Title, Locum Given, Locum Surname, Entry Date, Class, Item No, Description, Patient File No, Fee, GST, GST Fee, Discount, Write Off, Amount Paid, Amount Owing, Invoice File No, Locum Provider No, Patient Given, Patient Surname, Patient Title, Pract Given, Pract Surname, Pract Title. |
Description | Allows you to list all service items for a locum and for a given date range. |
Outstanding Account Balance | |
Search Fields | Class, Practitioner. |
Output Fields | ClassIdentifier, ClassName, ClassAbbrev, BatchType, PractIdentifier, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, PatientTitle, PatientGiven, PatientSurname, DebtStatus, DebtReferDate, DebtCollector, AcctFileNumber, Balance. |
Description | Allows you to list all accounts of a specified class that have a balance outstanding. |
Fraud | |
Outstanding Account Balance | |
Search Fields | Class, Practitioner. |
Output Fields | ClassIdentifier, ClassName, ClassAbbrev, BatchType, PractIdentifier, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, PatientTitle, PatientGiven, PatientSurname, DebtStatus, DebtReferDate, DebtCollector, AcctFileNumber, Balance. |
Description | Allows you to list all accounts of a specified class that have a balance outstanding. |
Adjusted Invoices | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, Practitioner, Room, User. |
Output Fields | AdjDate, User, Pract, PractGiven, PractSurname, Room, AdjReason, InvID, IssDate, InvFileNo, Class, Surname, Given, Title. |
Description | Allows you to list all adjusted invoices in a particular date range. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, room, or user. |
Adjusted Receipts | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, Practitioner, Room, User. |
Output Fields | AdjDate, User, Pract, PractGiven, PractSurname, Room, AdjReason, RecID, IssDate, RecFileNo, Class, Surname, Given, Title. |
Description | Allows you to list all adjusted receipts in a particular date range. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, room, or user. |
Deleted Invoices | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, Practitioner, Room, User. |
Output Fields | AdjDate, User, Pract, PractGiven, PractSurname, Room, AdjReason, InvID, IssDate, InvFileNo, Class, Surname, Given, Title. |
Description | Allows you to list to list all deleted invoices in a particular date range. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, room, or user. |
Deleted Receipts | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, Practitioner, Room, User. |
Output Fields | AdjDate, User, Pract, PractGiven, PractSurname, Room, AdjReason, RecID, IssDate, RecFileNo, Class, Surname, Given, Title. |
Description | Allows you to list all deleted receipts in a particular date range. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, room, or user. |
Discount Report | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, From time, To Time, Practitioner, Room, User |
Output Fields | User, Pract, Room, PractGiven, PractSurname, RoomLocation, Date, Tim, Amount, InvFileNo, RecFileNo, ItemNo, Surname, Given, Title |
Description | Allows you to list all discount allocations to receipts and their associated invoices and invoice items. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, user, date, or time range. |
Unbanked Receipts | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, User, Receipt Number. |
Output Fields | Receipt No, Receipt Date, BankAcct, Login, Given, Surname. |
Description | Allows you to give a list of report ID, Entry Date of Receipt and Initials who have not banked the receipt. |
Write-off Report | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, From time, To Time, Practitioner, Room, User. |
Output Fields | User, Pract, Date, Time, PractGiven, PractSurname, InvFileNo, RecFileNo, ItemNo, Surname, Given, Title. |
Description | Allows you to list all write-off allocations to receipts and their associated invoices and invoice items. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner, user, date or time range. |
Services | |
Assistant Report Detail - By Assistant | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | Invoice No, Receipt No, Inv, Item Amount, Adj, DAdj, Assistant, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Discount, WriteOff, NetAmount, PSName, PGName, AdjDate. |
Description | Allows you to list all payments in detail for assistants in the period specified. |
Assistant Report Detail - By Practitioner | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | Invoice No, Receipt No, Inv, Item Amount, Adj, DAdj, PSName, PGName, Assistant, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Discount, WriteOff, NetAmount, AdjDate. |
Description | Allows you to list all payments in detail for a particular Practitioner in the period specified. |
Assistant Report Summary - By Assistant | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | Invoice No, Inv Item Amount, Assistant, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Discount, WriteOff, NetAmount, PSName, PGName. |
Description | Allows you to list all payments in summary for assistants in the period specified. |
Assistant Report Summary - By Practitioner | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | Invoice No, Inv Item Amount, PSName, PGName, Assistant, Service Date, Service, Surname, Given Name, Title, Discount, WriteOff, NetAmount. |
Description | Allows you to list all payments in summary for a particular Practitioner in the period specified. |
Invoice Item Summary - By Room and Class | |
Search Fields | Room, Class Name, Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | PractSurname, PractGiven, Location, Class, Item No, Count, Invoiced, Discount, Received, Write Off, Balance. |
Description | Allows you to provide a summary of the toatals for each invoice item (number of items, invoice total, receipt total, discount, and more) for a particular Practitioner and Account Class over a date range. |
Practitioner Specified Service Item List | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Service Item List Type, Class Name. |
Output Fields | PractName, PractInitials, ClassName, ClassDesc, ClassAbbrev, ServiceItemType, ItemNo, Description, ScheduledFee, CustomisedFee. |
Description | Allows you to list a summary of service items. |
Price List by Class | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Class Name, Service Item List Type. |
Output Fields | PractInitials, Service Item Type, Class Description, Item No., Schedule Fee, Adjustment Typem Fee Adjustment, Customised Fee, Description, ClassAbbrev, ClassName, PractName. |
Description | Allows you to provide a summary of service items from a particular Practitioners list selection. |
Price List - All Classes | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Quick List Only. |
Output Fields | Item, Description, Fee Type, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10. |
Description | Allows you to provide a summary of service items from a particular Practitioners price list selection. |
Quick List Items | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Class Name, Service Item List Type. |
Output Fields | PractName, PractInitials, ClassName, ClassDesc, ClassAbbrev, ServiceItemType, ItemNo, Description, ScheduledFee, CustomisedFee. |
Description | Allows you to list a summary of Service Item Lists from a particular Practitioner's quick list selection. |
Service Item List | |
Search Fields | Service Item List Type |
Output Fields | Service ItemType, Item No, Description, Scheduled Fee |
Description | Allows you to list a summary of service items using the following criteria: ServiceItemType. |
Service Items - By Item | |
Search Fields | Report Start date, Report End Date, Postcode, Practitioner, Class Name, Room, Item Number. |
Output Fields | Service Date, PTilte, PGiven, PSurname, Room Location, Description, Pat Title, Pat Given, Pat Surname, Item No, Net Amount, Discount, Balance, Postcode, Class ID, InvItemID, NumItem No, NumPatients, PatField No, PatientID, ParactID, RoomID. |
Description | Allows you to provide a summary of service items using the following criteria: Start Date, End Date, Postcode. |
Appointments | |
Appointment Summary | |
Search Fields | Appointment Type Abbrev., Practitioner |
Output Fields | PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, TypeAbbrev, Count. |
Description | Allows you to summarise all appointments for a particular type or Practitioner. |
Appointment Type | |
Search Fields | Appointment Type Abbrev., Practitioner Initials, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time. |
Output Fields | Date, Time, Surname, Given, Title, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, Practitioner, TypeAbbrev. |
Description | Allows you to list all appointments for a particular type. |
Cancelled Appointments | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Appointment Type Abbrev., From date, To Date, From Time, To Time. |
Output Fields | Date, Time, Surname, Given, Title, PractName, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, PractInitials, TypeAbbrev. |
Description | Allows you to list all cancelled appointments in a particular date range. This list can be filtered for a particular Practitioner. |
Recall List | |
Search Fields | Practitioner, Patient Surname, From Date, To Date. |
Output Fields | DueDate, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, PatientTitle, PatientGiven, PatientSurname, CreateDate, Date, Time, User, Comment. |
Description | Allows you to list all recalls. |
WP | |
WP Summary | |
Search Fields | User, Practitioner, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time. |
Output Fields | Title, CreationDate, CreationTime, User, PractName, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, PatientTitle, |
Description | Allows you to produce a summary of WP documents. |
Medclaims | |
Medclaims Log – Invoice Item Exceptions | |
Search Fields | Run Number, Sequence, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time, Batch Number |
Output Fields | MedclaimsLogID, Run, Date, Time, System, Text, BatchID, PatientID, InvItemID, Sequence, ItemNumber, Description, Fee, NetAmount, BatchOriginalAmount, NumPatients, Surname , Given Name. |
Description | Allows you to produce a summary of the eMedclaimsLog table where the record specifies an invoice item exception. Here some information is provided regarding the invoice item fees, net amount, description, item code etc. |
Medclaims Log – Medicare Card Flags | |
Search Fields | Run Number, Sequence, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time, Batch Number. |
Output Fields | MedclaimsLogID, Run, Date, Time, System, Text, BatchID, PatientID,Patient Title, Patient Given,Patient Surname, Medicare CardNo, Medicare Card Ref, Medicare Card Expiry, Sequence, InvItemID. |
Description | Allows you to produce a summary of the eMedclaimsLog table where the record specifies a Medicare card flag. Some limited patient information is provided with the card flag information. |
Medclaims Log | |
Search Fields | Run Number, Sequence, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time, Batch Number. |
Output Fields | MedclaimsLogID, Run, Date, Time, System, Text, BatchID, PatientID, InvItemID, Sequence. |
Description | Allows you to produce a summary of the eMedclaimsLog table. |
Medclaims Receipt Breakdown | |
Search Fields | From Date, To Date, Room |
Output Fields | RoomID, Location, PractTitle, PractGiven, PractSurname, ReceiptNumber, DepositDate, ReceiptTotal, BatchID, BatchStatus, BatchTotal, InvoiceCount, InvoiceItemCount, Payee, Bank, BankAcct |
Description | Allows you to produce a breakdown of Medclaims receipts. The results can be prioritised by room and date range. |
Custom | |
Bank Account Transfers - Detailed | |
Search Fields | Report Start Date, Report End Date. |
Output Fields | Entry Date, Entry Time, From Account Name, From BSB, From Account No, From Bank, From Branch, To Account Name, To BSB, To Account No, To Bank, To Branch, Amount, Notes, User Initials. |
Description | Allows you to list all bank transfers for a given date range. |
Bank Account Transfers - Required | |
Search Fields | |
Output Fields | From Account Name, From BSB, From Account No, From Bank, From Branch, To Account Name, To BSB, To Account No, To Bank, To Branch, Amount Owing. |
Description | Allows you to list all bank transfers required to balance bank accounts. |
Using Bluechip Reporter