Step 2 – Import the Health Fund Fee List into Bluechip

Before you begin

After downloading the Health Fund Fee lists, you must import them into Bluechip.


  1. In Bluechip select Setup > Lists > Service Items. The Service Item List window appears.

  2. Within the Service Items Lists window, locate and select the Service Items list you want to import fees to.
    • If the Health Fund does not exist in the Service Item List, click New to create a list for it. Enter the Name and Abbreviation of the Health Fund, and click OK
    • The drop down menu 'Preload Items from another list' allows you to attach an existing fee list to the Health Fund you are creating e.g. you could attached the Teachers Health Fund to the AHSA fee list.
    • It is recommended to add the month and year as a notification of the last fee update to the Health Fund Name.

  3. Click

    The Fee Import window will appear.

  4. Click

    to open the Select Fee File window.
    • Browse to the Health Fund Fee List location where you stored the downloaded files. Select the file corresponding to the fee list you have selected to update; and either click

      or double-click on the highlight file.

    • The Fee Import window will re-appear with the file to import attached.

  5. Click

    The import process commences, and you will be notified when it has completed. Click

  6. Repeat all steps for each fee list you want to update.
