To Contact a Patient Based on a Printed Recall

Before you begin


  1. From within the Practice Explorer, select Recalls from the Margin Menu.

  2. Locate and select the recall that you want to action.
    • (Optional) Filter the list of recalls, by entering a date range of due recalls. A common scenario is to print all of the following month's recalls towards the middle or end of the current month.
    • (Optional) Enable the View Old check box to refresh the recalls list to include recalls that have previously been actioned.
  3. Click

    • If the list of recalls includes phone recalls, a window will appear listing all of the patients that need to be contacted, along with their phone numbers and the comments that you made when adding the recalls.
    • When each phone-recall patient has been contacted successfully, enable the Complete check box for them. Do not enable this check box for any patients that were not contacted successfully; their recalls will stay active until you have made contact

  4. Click OK. to print the remaining recall letters.
  5. You will be prompted to mark the recalls as contacted.

    • If you click Yes the recalls will be marked as notified and removed from the recall list.
