To Flag a Patient as Inactive

Manually change a patient's status to deactivated or inactive.

Before you begin

If you choose not to delete their record at this time, you will be prompted to do it later. Alternatively, to delete the patient record permanently, select BC Tools > Utilities > Delete Patient Records Wizard. For more information, see Delete Multiple Patient Records.

About this task

Update the status to inactive in the Patient Details panel.


To set a patient record to inactive:
  1. Open the patient's record.
  2. If required, from the left pane, select the Patient Details tab.
  3. From the Status list, select Inactive.
    Patient Details panel
  4. If required, to delete the patient record permanently and if the patient has no historical data in Bluechip and click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
    Permanently Delete prompt
  5. Click Save iconSave at the top.


An inactive patient record is indicated in red text in the Open panel.
Inactive patient record window