To Turn a Standard Fee into a Derived Fee
Before you begin
Select Service Items Lists window appears.
. The -
Select the Medicare service item in the list provided, and click
Items. The Service Items window
Select the required service item and click Derived Fee. The
Edit Derived Fee Details window appears.
Set the fee as one of the following derived fee types. Only one derived fee type can be selected per service item.
- Not Derived - Select this option if the fee is not derived from patient or field quantity.
- Patient - Select this option if the fee calculation is
based on the number of patients seen (previously this was known as 'Multiple
Patients'). Then enter the fee applicable to each number of patients in the
- Field Quantity - Select this option if the fee
calculation is based on the number of fields treated. Enter the Base Fee Item
(item in the current fee list to which the selected derived fee relates), then
enter the maximum field quantity for this item.
- Associated Item - Select this option if the fee
calculation is based on the percentage (%) of the associated item/s fee or
fixed fee plus a fee for the associated item/s. When billing, selection of any
derived fee item marked as 'Associated Item' in the Edit Derived Fee Details
window will open the 'Associated Item' fee calculation window.
- Time - Select this option if the fee calculation is
based on the base item fee plus an a fee for each additional 15 minutes (or
part thereof) beyond the first hour of attendance.
Enter the main derived fee rate (Scheduled fee, 75% and 85%) in the main
Service Items screen.