Transfer.OUT File Format Used By Medical Director

The TRANSFER.OUT file and it's native format (see below) is the preferred standard for transferring data form Medical Director when linking with a third-party package.

It is normally created in a shared data directory. When a patient's record is updated in MD a single line is added to this file (as per the specified format below). Fields within each line are separated by a vertical bar '|' (ASCII Character 124).

The fields are in the following order:

Position Name Description
1 UR_NO Patient identifier generated by MDW2
2 TITLE Patient's title.
3 SURNAME Patient's family name.
4 FIRSTNAME Patient's given name.
5 ADDRESS Patient's address.
6 CITY Patient's city in which they live.
7 POSTCODE Patient's postcode in which they live.
8 DOB dd/mm/yyyy
9 MC_NO Medicare no.
10 MC_INDEX Medicare card line number
11 PENS_NO Pension number
12 DVA_NO DVA number
13 PHONE Home phone
14 BUS_PHONE Work phone
15 PENSCODE Pension code *
16 SEX
17 S_NET Safety net no.
18 CHART_NO Record no. for paper record
19 LINK_TO Patient identifier of head of family
20 LINKCODE A = Add (New), U = Update
21 EMAIL Patient's e-mail address
22 REFDOCTOR Referring Doctor's name
23 REFDATE Date of referral (dd/mm/yyyy)
24 REFCODE Referral duration code **
25 INSNO Patient's Health Insurance number
26 INSCO Patient's Health Insurance provider
27 DECEASED Date of death (dd/mm/yyyy)
* P = Pension/HCC holder, R = DVA yellow card holder, L = DVA white card holder.
** 00 =Indefinite, 03 = 3 Months, 12 = 12 Months