Bluechip provides a variety of reports, including financial reports, appointment lists, recall summaries, among many others.
The Batch Summary report details all invoices included in a batch for Medclaims submission. Fee and GST components are included separately.
Use banking reports to assist with banking.
Bluechip Reporter (BC Reporter) is a reporting module that complements and extends the reporting capability provided by Bluechip.
Allocation reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of receipts or credits allocated to invoices, reversed, or adjusted within a specified date range.
The Assistants Report lists all invoice items and its payments, discounts, write-offs and remaining balances, along with all receipted invoices related to Assistants. This report is intended to help Practice managers determine payments for Assistants.
The Credit Detail report provides available receipt overpayments and prepayments for patients as of a specified date. The credit transactions are grouped by class.
The Credit Summary Report provides a class-based summary of available receipt overpayments and prepayments as at a specified date.
The Day Sheet report displays an 'end-of-day' snapshot, enabling you to review and reconcile all transactions on a daily basis.
The Debt Collection Report lists all patient accounts that have been referred for debt collection in the period specified.
This report provides a detailed breakdown of patient account balances by duration of time outstanding, such as 30, 60, more than 90 days.
This report provides a summary reconciliation on the movement of debtor balances over a given period which is affected by Invoices, receipts, credit allocations and write-offs.
This report provides a summary breakdown of patient account balances by duration of time outstanding, such as 30, 60, more than 90 days.
The Deferred Invoices Report provides you with a list of all, currently deferred, invoices that have been entered into Bluechip and deferred, within a given date range. It also includes any already deferred invoices that have been modified and then deferred again, within the specified date range.
The GST report assists with GST reporting requirements such as the ATO Business Activity Statement (BAS) that is used to periodically report to the ATO on GST collected and paid, and provides a summary of GST collected and earned on an accrued basis and cash basis for a specified period (practice-wide or practitioner-wide).
Income reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of net earnings, accrued-based and cash-based (invoice created, receipts/ credits allocated, refunds created, write-offs created) within a specified date range.
Invoice reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of invoices issued, reversed, or adjusted within a specified date range.
The Locums Report lists all invoiced items with their payments, discounts, write-offs and remaining balances, which have been provided by locums on behalf of practitioners within the specified period.
The Service Items Summary report provides a class-based summary of the number of times each service item was performed, the total invoiced, total payments, write-off, and discounts given during a specified date range.
The Service Items Detail report provides a class-based detail of services performed, patient name, invoice number, transaction type, service date, issue date, invoiced amount, paid amount, write-offs and discounts for each service item for a specified date range.
The Statement Report can be used to print a statement of account for an individual debtor, or to print a statement run, usually at month-end.
The Account Statement and Audit Trail reports list all transactions that occurred within a chosen date range.
The IMC Claim Payment report is similar to the Medicare Claim Payment Report, and allows users to view details of IMC payment reports and lists the claims covered for each 'payment run'.