Service Items Detail Report

The Service Items Detail report provides a class-based detail of services performed, patient name, invoice number, transaction type, service date, issue date, invoiced amount, paid amount, write-offs and discounts for each service item for a specified date range.

Before you begin

This report is not to be treated as a financial report, because it is calculated according to date of service, rather than date of entry. A report that is calculated according to date of service, if printed on two separate occasions, with exactly the same parameters chosen, can produce different results. This would happen if a service that had been included in the original report, was adjusted in the intervening period between print runs, and given a different date of service.

A financial report, such as the Earnings report, is calculated according to date of entry. As such, when printed on any number of separate occasions, it will always produce the same results, regardless of the adjustments, and so forth that may have taken place in the meantime.

About this task

If generating a report with more than 3 years of data, export to a CSV file.


  1. Either:
    • Click
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. Either:
    • Click

    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  3. In the Print Report window, elect Service Items Detail Report from the list of reports and click Next. The Print Service Items Report window appears.

  4. Select the Practitioners you would like to include in the report.
  5. Select the desired classes you would like to include in the report.
  6. Enter the date range for the report. If you leave the first field empty, then the report will display all nominated services up to the nominated To date.
  7. Enter any specific items you would like to search for. If you leave this field blank, the report will display all services provided within the nominated date range. Alternatively, you may like use an advanced search option. Use a 'wild card' to search for all items ending with H by searching for *H. Search for all items beginning with 3, by searching for 3*. Similarly search for any items that are five characters long and have 7 as the fourth character by searching for ???7?
  8. Indicate what to base the service items on, e.g. Service Date or Issue Date.
  9. From Sort order, select from "Item number / Patient" and "Patient / Item number". This governs the order in which services will be listed. For example, two services were provided on the same date to different patients. If you select "Item number / Patient", then the lower item number will be provided first. If you chose "Patient / Item number", then the first alphabetical surname will be displayed first.
  10. If you would like the report to include services that have been entered in the system, but have not been raised as debts because the invoices were not issued, then select the Include deferred invoice items check box.
  11. Make sure that the correct printer and tray are chosen and then click Next

    You will have to select the printer and tray the first time you print this report, on each terminal. Thereafter Bluechip will remember the appropriate settings.


The Service items report is split into two sections. The first gives a list of all nominated services provided within a given date range, for each nominated Practitioner, at each location. The second gives a summary of the number of times each of the nominated services was provided within the given date range, for each nominated Practitioner, at each location.