Dealing with Rejected Items

Straight after receipting a batch is the best time to deal with rejected items.

The rejected items that were unchecked at the time of receipting the batch, because they had been rejected by the batch payer (for example Medicare, Health Fund, Hospital), will go into Rejected Items. Click on Rejected Items in the Margin Menu to see all rejected items.

To re-issue an item, highlight it in the list and then click on Adjust. Enter the reason for the adjustment and then click OK. The invoice will then be opened up, ready for you to adjust it. Fix whatever was wrong with it, if anything and then issue it again.

This item will be added to the next current, Open-status, batch. You can leave it there if you want, and issue it as part of the next batch you send off. Alternatively, you can issue it as a batch all on its own. To do this, open the batch that it is residing in, highlight it and click the Down arrow button that you can see on the right-hand side of this screen. The item will be shifted to a new batch, all on its own. click the Batch line and then the Issue Batch button.

Items that have been underpaid or overpaid are not treated as rejected. To receipt a batch payment where this has happened, open the batch and type the amount that has been paid. All items are automatically allocated, so you need to find the items that have been overpaid or underpaid, and type the amount that has been allocated to them in the Amount Paid field (don't worry about the tick). Once you have balanced the receipt, you can click on Receipt Batch. These items will not appear in Rejected Items, but will be automatically adjusted to reflect the amount allocated to them.

Health Fund Billing Options