Eclipse Reports

Bluechip provides many Medicare Reports that can assist with claiming and reconciling.

Three reports that can assist with Eclipse Claims are:

  • Debtor Detail Report - provides a summary and detailed breakdown of patient account balances by duration of time (ageing). This will generate the outstanding debit for Eclipse claim accounts.
  • Inpatient Medical Claim Processing Report - provides a list of unprocessed and processed Eclipse claims. In the Medicare module; these are the Eclipse claims status Waiting Process Report, Waiting Payment Report, Ready to Receipt, Rejected and Finalised (Receipted), etc.
  • Inpatient Medical Claim Payment Report - provides a summary and detailed list of processed Eclipse claims that generate the Medicare and Health Fund payment for the claims. This report can be used to reconcile the Practitioners bank statement. . In the Medicare module paid Eclipse claims generate the status Finalised (Receipted).