Invoices Window

The Invoices Window of the Patient Explorer allows you to create and manage invoices. The fields and functionality on this widow varies depending on the type of account you are invoicing to (i.e. Bulk Bill, DVA, or Private), the service type the invoice is billed for (i.e. Pathology, Specialist, or General Practitioner) and whether the patient is a veteran.

Clinical Billing The item code that the Practitioner wantes the patient to be billed for. This is displayed using a link between Bluechip and Medical Director Clinical, and is added in the Progress Notes.
Item The service item code.
Service Text column This is used when sending invoices to the Medicare. Some services (for example Aftercare or Duplicate Procedure) may require additional information to assist the Medicare in assessing the claim.
Double-click within the Service Text field to reveal the

button, and then click this button to access the Service Text window.
Multiple Procedure Allows you to implement a scaling calculation for the invoice items. When raising invoices to be sent to Medicare, items that have been changes based on multiple procedure scaling (where a number of services are performed and a pro-rata amount is charged for each service) must be indicated using the service text.
View GST Details Allows you to view the GST Details when the check box is selected.
Discount Allows you to offer a percentage discount off the cost of the invoice.
When raising invoices to send to the Medicare, the Discount field is disabled.
Invoice message Allows you to print a message on the patient's invoice.
Provided by locum Allows you to select the locum who provided the services performed in your absence. (The locum name is displayed on the invoice).
Hospital Services Allows you to select a hospital where the service was performed. (The hospital services list displays hospitals which are companies of type ' Hospital'. Only hospitals entered for the 'Hospitals' company group will appear in this list).

If you select this check box a Hospital Name must be selected from the drop-down menu.

Distance Travelled (km) Allows you to enter the distance travelled when preparing an invoice for a DVA claim. Note that this field is not displayed on the image above, as the example patient used is not a Veteran.
DVA White Card Text Complete as necessary. This text box is available only to white card holders, as indicated on the Patient Details window.
Requesting Provider / Request Issue Date Click the

button to select a referring provider, and then enter the request issue date.. These fields are available if the Service Type is 'Pathology', which in itself is available only if you have indicated that the practitioner offers pathology services.
Self Deemed Tick this box if the request for services was self-deemed. Ticking this box also removed anything entered into the Requesting Provider / Request Issue Date fields.