Resubmitting OEC Claim Example
Before you begin
Within the Medicare Australia window, locate and select the OEC claim you want to delete.
Click Delete The Claim Delete Reason window appears. Either free-type a reason into the field provided, or select a reason from the supplied list.
Click OK. After deleting the OEC Claim, it remains in the Medicare Australia window, but is now highlighted with a strike-through.
Open the patient's record, and select Estimates in the margin menu. Notice that the corresponding estimate now was a status of "Finalised (Deleted)".
To resubmit this OEC Estimate, click
The Online Eligibility Checking window appears.- Because this new OEC is based on an existing OEC, it is pre-populated with any data from the existing OEC.
- Any data sourced from the existing OEC is read-only i.e. cannot be edited. You can however edit any other fields, and you must re-enter the dates before resubmitting.
To submit this OEC claim, click
- The submission and retrieval process is the same as for regularOEC Claims.
- The Medicare Australia window now displays the new claim. In our example it is Awaiting Processing Report.