Reopening an Episode

Before you begin

When the patient returns to the Day Surgery to undergo a procedure, the relevant tabs can be completed. These tabs pertain directly to the procedure with data that is known at the time. The following outlines MedicalDirector's preferred methodology for completing these tabs.

It is presumed that the patient has previously booked their procedure with the Day Surgery, and the staff has created the patient's electronic record, account and transferred this into the Day Surgery module.


  1. Within Bluechip, open the patient's record.
  2. Within the Patient Explorer, press F8 or click

    The Day Surgery module will open in MS Access, and you will be prompted to create a new episode.

  3. Click

    at the prompt. The Find > Episode window appears.

  4. Enter search criteria as desired, to find the patient's episode, and then click

  5. The patient's episode will be displayed. If there is more than a single episode associated with the patient, ensure the correct episode is being displayed.
  6. Select the Admission tab.

    Many fields will be populated with default values. These can be modified via the various drop-down lists provided.
  7. Record the Entered Facility and Admission Time dates in 12hr format. The appearance of the Admission Tab may vary according to the state the practice is in.
  8. Select the Discharge tab.

    • Record the Entered > Theatre time as the patient enters theatre for their procedure.
    • Record the Departed > Theatre time as the patient emerges from theatre and into recovery.
    • Record the Separation time when the patient is released by the Recovery Nurse. The Departed Facility time may or may not be used depending on whether the patient can accurately be recorded leaving the facility.
    • Modify the right hand panel's defaults via the drop down lists provided to accurately reflect the occurrence.
  9. Click

    in the top-right corner to exit the episode.
