Why a Day Surgery Module?
When a Day Surgery or Procedure Centre is accredited under the Day Surgery Act for Private Hospitals, the Practice is entitled to charge a patient a user fee, normally called a 'facility fee' or 'Accommodation and/or a Theatre Fee' charge. In some types of surgery the day surgery may also be able to charge the patients for prosthesis and disposables.
All recognised public and private hospitals in Australia are required under the Health Care Act 2007, to submit data to report the patient's admission to their Day Surgery/Private Hospital. This inpatient admission is called an 'episode' or 'episode of care'.
To facilitate billing and reporting, the Day Surgery is assigned a Provider Number for invoicing patients and a facility number to report back to the Department(s) of Health, the Private Hospital Data Bureau (PHDB) and contracted private health funds.
The Day Surgery module gathers data keyed in by users which can be then extracted into the correct format at the end of each month for reporting purposes.
Each State has different reporting 'rules' but typically a Practice is required to report within six weeks of the episode being created for a patient. The Practice would report the whole of the previous month's episodes around 14th of each month.
MedicalDirector's Day Surgery module is compliant with the requirements for the Department of Health and Aging in each state as set out on their website.