Reports in BC Research
Access this report from
. This will give you list of your keywords sorted into columnsQuery by Keywords
This is the report that brings all of your data together. Access it from
. The window below opens first to let you select which keywords you want to find patients who have them.
You can combine any two keywords with an 'AND' term and up to three of these can be 'OR'ed together
Click 'Continue' once you have entered your keywords. The window below will then appear and you can choose to filter your data by age and gender.

From this window you can decide to include patients off all ages, a specific age or within in an age range. You may also limit them by gender.
When apply age restrictions the age is first calculated at the date the keyword was assigned and then the filter applied. A sample report is shown on below.
Once you have selected the criterion click 'Continue' to generate the report, clicking 'Back' will take back to the Keyword selection window, clicking 'Exit' will close all selection windows.
After you have run the report you can change your selection criterion after closing the report or exit them completely.