Using BC Research
Before you begin
- Open a patient record.
Click the F10-BC Research button. BC Research is displayed.
You an setup Bluechip to create file numbers for use in BC Research. These numbers are not created for existing patients and only apply to new patients.
The Structure of BCRM
View the diagram below for an understanding of the BC Research data relationship. You should note there are three main tables used by BCRM. For clarity not all fields are shown.
This table stores the patient's demograpMedicare information and details such as place of birth. The information stored here is in a different format to the patients record in Bluechip.
These are created by the practice to suit the needs of your specialty. For the sake of ease of use and later data analysis spend some time planning these.
Clinical Data
This table contains a list of links between patients and keywords. By traversing from left to right in the above example we can see that Mr John Smith (Patient ID 001) has three entries for keywords A1, B1, and T1. Looking these up in the Keywords table we find that he has Green Eyes and bronchitis.
The power of this lays in that it also works from right to left. We can see that only patient ID 004 has brown hair and this patient is Mr John Smith.