Viewing and Entering Clinical Data

You can immediately view any patient's clinical data by clicking the 'Clinical Data' tab on the 'Patients Form'

Here we see a patient assigned three keywords. Note the last record with asterisk next to it. This is the 'New' record; it doesn't physically exist until you enter something into it.

Adding New Clinical Data to a Patient

Enter the new data into the new record at the end of the list. That's the record with the asterisk next to it. Keywords can be entered in a number of ways; you can type the keyword in directly, you can select it from the list of keywords by clicking on the arrow at the right of the box or you can select it by description by clicking on the arrow at the right of the 'Description' box.

You do not have to scroll through the entire list either, if you know the keyword you are looking for starts with "G", typing that will scroll the list to the ones starting with "G".