To Add/Edit IMC Claim Types

Before you begin


  1. Ensure you have already created a batch type for IMC.
  2. Select Setup > Practice > Batch Types. The Batch Setup window appears.

  3. Select the batch type for IMC that you created earlier. In the example above, ECLIPSE has been selected.
  4. Click

    The ECLIPSE - IMC Setup window appears. Select the IMC Claim Types tab as shown below.

  5. Then to;
    • Add a new entry, click

    • Edit an existing entry, select it and then click Edit

      The Practitioner IMC Claim Type window appears.

  6. Select a practitioner from the associated drop-down list.
  7. Select a Health Fund from the associated drop-down list. If the health fund you want to use is not in the list, you may have to add it first.
  8. Via the IMC Claim Type drop-down list, indicated whether the claim type for the selected practitioner/health fund combination is of 'Scheme' or 'Agreement'.
  9. If your Health Fund has provided you with an 'Agreement Number', enter it into the ORG ID field. The Agreement Number relates to your designated bank account. If two or more practitioners share the same mailing address and bank account, they will share the same ORG ID. Note that Medicare refers to the ORG ID as a 'FundPayee ID'. Therefore, if a claim fails, and the error notification mentions 'FundPayee ID', it may relate to the Agreement Number you have entered into this ORG ID field.
  10. Click OK. to confirm.

    Bluchip Knowledge Base
