Adding/Modifying/Deleting Footers to Match Classes
Before you begin
If you have added a new class, and need to modify the letterhead template accordingly, highlight a footer that is very similar to the one you are going to create, remembering to highlight the line before as well.
- Press Ctrl+C, Ctrl+End and Ctrl+V, to copy the cell, jump to the end of the template, and paste the cells there.
- Modify the [LHClass] & [ELHClass] fields to match the new class name.
- If you have changed the name of an existing class, you will need to modify the letterhead template accordingly. In the template, find the footer for the old class name, and then edit the [LHClass] and [ELHClass] fields to match the new class name.
- If you have deleted a class altogether, you may want to delete the corresponding footer from the letterhead template.To do this highlight the footer you want to delete, along with the blank line before it and then press the Delete key.