Allocations Detail Items Report

A detailed item-wise listing of receipt allocations that were issued over a given period, grouped by Practitioner and Account Classification.

Before you begin

Report Layout: The Allocations Detail Items report provides detail of receipts generated and credit allocations to service items of the invoices:
  • Issued
  • Reversed
  • Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner/practice, account classification, and patient;
    • Reports based on the 'practice wide' option display a detailed item-based listing of receipts allocated and credit allocated to invoice transactions for the practice, and class-based and practice-based transaction totals for all practitioners (including deactivated).
    • Reports based on the 'practitioner wide' option display a detailed item-based listing of receipts allocated and credits allocated to invoice transactions for each practitioner, and class-based and practitioner-based transaction totals for each practitioner. Additionally this report displays class-based summary totals for all selected practitioners.
Ancillary Information - totals displayed in this report tally with the receipt allocation and credit allocation totals on the following reports for the same date range:
  • Allocation Summary
  • Allocation Detail
  • Income Summary
  • GST
    • Debtors Reconciliation ('receipts' and 'credit allocation' sections)
Transactions displayed on this report tally with receipt allocation and credit allocation transactions on the following reports for same date range:
  • Income Analysis Detail ('receipt allocated to invoice items'/ 'credit allocated to invoice items' sections)
  • Receipt Audit Trail

If all the receipts/credits generated within the period are allocated to invoices within the same period, and also banked within the same period, totals in this report should tally with the Banking History report (summary/detail).

About this task

If generating a report with more than 3 years of data, export to a CSV file.


To generate the Allocations Detail Items Report:
  1. Either:
    • Click
    • Press Ctrl + P
    • Select Reports > Print
  2. The Print Report window appears.

  3. Select the Allocations Detail Items Report from the list of reports and click Next The Print > Allocations Detail Items Report window appears.

  4. Select a date range using the calendar tools provided. The default is today's date.
  5. Select other options as desired.
  6. Indicate which practitioners you want to print data for.
  7. Click Next when you are ready to proceed.
