Statement Reports

The Statement Report can be used to print a statement of account for an individual debtor, or to print a statement run, usually at month-end.

It lists outstanding services and provides a breakdown of the ages of the debts.

It can also be set up to have a message print on the statement that is appropriate to the age of the reported debts.

GST is included in the statements:
  • GST is only displayed for Bulk Type statements if you select either 'All invoice items' or 'One page per patient' as the Bulk Type option in the Print Statements window.
  • When you select 'One line per invoice' as the Bulk Type option in the Print Statements window, invoices are not listed individually and GST is not displayed.

The ages of the balances are calculated based on the date of issue of the invoices in question. For example: an invoice issued on 1 February that is still outstanding when a statement is printed on 20 April, will be classed as 60+ days old, and will be included in the 60 Days column in the report.

This report looks for outstanding account balances, an account with a nil balance will not be included in a statement run. This holds true even if there is an outstanding invoice within that account, provided that it is balanced by a credit amount.

Generating a statement report varies, depending on whether you want to print an individual statement or a statement run, as explained following.