Creating an Episode for an Existing Patient

Before you begin


  1. Within Bluechip, open the patient's record.
  2. Within the Patient Explorer, press F8 or click F8 - Day Surgery. The Day Surgery module will open in MS Access, and you will be prompted to create a new episode.

  3. Click Yesat the prompt. A new episode is created, and you are presented with the Demographics tab.


The information bar at the bottom of the episode (or record) shows how many episodes are associated with the patient and which episode is being displayed.

The episode's ID is displayed in the top right of the episode (record).

Check the patient's details and complete associated fields on the Demographics tab as required. The Day Surgery module will save the data upon exiting. Exiting the Day Surgery module will return to MedicalDirector Bluechip.

The user must exit the episode before creating/updating the next episode. Failure to do so may cause information not to be saved for the episode because the user has multiple episodes open.