Exporting for Reporting Purposes

Before you begin

Day Surgery facilities are required to report their episodes to their State's relevant reporting authority* within six weeks of occurrence. The following information explains how to generate the export file irrespective of the reporting authority. It is the responsibility of the facility to generate and transmit the extract to the correct reporting authority.

*These reports are referred to as Extracts. They are sent to the Department of Health in each state, the Private Hospital Data Bureau and Health Funds. How extracts are transmitted are not in the scope of this user guide. Please refer to the relevant state authority for further information.


  1. From within Day Surgery select the Add-Ins tab.
  2. Then click the Export button and then the relevant reporting authority.

  3. The Export > Data window for your selected reporting authority appears. Complete the panel as required. Indicate if an episode is being resubmitted if applicable.

  4. Click
    OK button
    to continue. You will be prompted that to confirm that you want to export the record(s).

  5. Click
    OK button
    to confirm. Specify a location to save the extract.

  6. You will be notified when the export has completed. Click
    OK button
    to continue.
  7. Transmit the extracted file to the relevant authority.


    In the Export menu:

    The Department of Health and Aging is denoted as

    • QLDH
    • NSWH
    • ACTH
    • ISAAC (SA)
    • HMDS (WA)
    • DHSV, PRS2 (VIC)

      HCP is the Hospital Case Protocol used in Health Fund reporting

      Group HCP is the Hospital Case Protocol used for reporting to AHSA and BUPA

      PHDB is the Protocol used for reporting to the Private Hospital Data Bureau


      The user is responsible for extracting these reports. The user should cross check with the DON that the numbers tally with the DON's clinical reporting and any discrepancies between the two are resolved.

      External checking software

      PHDB and HCP data can be run through a program called Check-It 2 to ensure that there are no obvious errors in the extracted data. This is a free program that can be found on the Department of Health and Ageing website. Western Australia provides tcheck to check HMDS data before submitting.
