Integrated EFTPOS - About and Usage

The information below includes references to TYRO device menus. If these menu references differ to what you see on your TYRO device, please consult your TYRO device's associated user guide for information.

While you have been able to record EFTPOS transactions in Bluechip for some time, from Bluechip 2.5 – with the introduction of MedicalDirector's Integrated EFTPOS facility – you can process EFTPOS transactions seamlessly. Bluechip's Integrated EFTPOS facility is known as EFTPOS Auto, whereas non-Integrated EFTPOS is now referred to as EFTPOS Manual.

The key benefit of the Integrated EFTPOS solution is that transaction information is sent directly from Bluechip to the EFTPOS Device without the need to re-key, resulting in faster processing of payments. The integrated solution minimises data entry errors.

Please note that in order to take advantage of the new Integrated EFTPOS facility, you will need to obtain an EFTPOS Device from Tyro. The minimum Tyro Production software version compatible with Integrated EFTPOS is 07.01.09.The version information for your installed Tyro software can be accessed from the Device via Menu > Merchant > Info.

Please contact Tyro Payment Solution Sales, on (02) 8907 1780, to enquire about obtaining a Tyro EFTPOS Device.