Linking to Images in Document and Letterhead Templates

In order to slow the rate of expansion of customers' databases, a limit of 50KB has been placed on the size of imported Word Processing Templates. As a result, this limits the use of graphics within Word Processing Templates i.e. only images of a small file size can be used.

An alternative to embedding images in templates, is linking to them. When an image is linked to a template, the image itself is not added to the template (thus not affecting the file size of the template). Rather, a link is created between the image and the template. Then, whenever you open the template (or otherwise use a document based on it), the image is imported on-the-fly, such as when you go to print a document based on the template. It is important to understand that if an image has been linked to a template, and then it is moved or renamed, the link becomes broken.

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