Method Two

Before you begin


  1. In Bluechip select Reports > BC Reporter.
  2. Login with your normal login details. The Bluechip Custom Reporter window appears.

  3. In the top left section select Services.
  4. In the bottom left section select IHC Service Item List.
  5. In the right hand section select the Input tab.

  6. Type the name of your list exactly as it appears in Bluechip in the box under 'Value' (or you can copy and paste this directly from your Service Item List).
  7. Click Execute. This will export the list to Excel.
  8. When Excel opens, locate column B (Service Type), and:
    • Enter MBS Case Payment next to each case payment item.
    • Enter Accommodation next to each accommodation band.
  9. Save as a CSV file to your Day Surgery folder with the name of the health fund.
  10. In Bluechip select Setup > Lists > Service Items and select the service item list to be updated.
  11. Click Update IHC Items.
  12. Browse for your file, and click Process.
  13. If all your health fund contracts cover the same items as Case Payments you can select Apply to More Fee Lists. However if they cover different items as case payments or if you have used different item codes you will need to repeat these steps for each health fund item list.
