Notes on Sending Invoices When Using Online Patient Claims

  • Once the Patient Claim transmission process has begun, the "Abort" button will be disabled. Due to the nature of the Patient Claim communication, it cannot be interrupted during the process.
  • The processing dialogue will be closed automatically once a claim is successfully transmitted or stored.
  • A stored claim will validate and authorise the claim only. No transmission to Medicare will take place in the storing phase.
  • A Lodgement Advice must be printed for successfully created store and forward claims, or for immediate claims referred to a Medicare Operator.
  • A Statement of Claim and Benefit must be printed for successful immediate claims.
  • If claims are rejected on the basis of incorrect Medicare card information for the Patient or Claimant, the relevant details must be updated in Bluechip prior to resubmitting the claim.
  • Unsuccessful claims will be deleted in Bluechip to allow for the invoice to be resubmitted with another Patient Claim. These claims will not appear in the claims list – their deletion is absolute. Note: once an Invoice has been attached to a Patient Claim it cannot be attached to another Patient Claim unless the first claim is deleted. This is the same as BB/DVA claims. This is to stop the possibility of Invoices being submitted twice.
  • A Patient Claim can reach the following statuses during the transmission process:
    • Submitted
    • Report Received
    • Successful
    • Pending
    • Rejected
  • As each claim status has been achieved, Bluechip will record the date and time at which this occurred.
  • When a Patient Claim has been created using the Store and Forward option, its status is "Awaiting Transmission". Only claims with this status can be submitted using the Store and Forward process.
  • No reports are required as a result of transmitting a Store and Forward claim.